Shaun of Dead : four-issue, full-color miniseries
Cover for issue 1

Yes, yes and yes again . The unconventional ,hell forget unconventional, a great zombie flick will soon be realesed on us . If you haven't seen the movie and don't know what to expect check this trailer out here !
IDW will produce the four-issue miniseries with the full participation and input of the film’s screenwriters, Edgar Wright (who directed the film) and Simon Pegg (who starred as Shaun), as well as Universal Studios. The adaptation will follow the storyline of the film but will also feature scenes that weren’t included in the theatrical release. Illustrating the four-issue miniseries will be Zach Howard (Detective Comics), with unique covers painted by British artist Jason Brashill.
“Edgar and Simon have been great,” said IDW Editor-in-Chief Chris Ryall, who will also script the adaptation. “They’ve given us full access to deleted scenes, unshot scenes and other bonus materials, allowing us to present a sort of ‘director’s cut’ of their movie, in four parts.”